Thursday, 20 June 2019

'505' - NEA Chosen Audio Track

Choice 1:  505 - Arctic Monkeys

-'505' first debuted on Arctic Monkeys' second album "Favourite Worst Nightmare", the track stays true to many of the band's influences such as Indie Rock, Garage Rock, Post-Punk Revival and Psychedelic Rock; all genres prevalent during the target audience's lifetimes. The track has a rather melancholic feel to begin with and slowly crescendos throughout with slow canonic introductions of each instrument.
The lyrics are filled with imagery and lines open to interpretation that tell the story of a break up between our protagonist and his ex-partner. Through the words we see that our protagonist was deeply in love no matter the status between he and his partner; why they broke up is up for interpretation within the lyrics.

I'm going back to 505
If it's a seven-hour flight or a forty-five-minute drive
In my imagination, you're waiting lying on your side
With your hands between your thighs

[Verse 1]
Stop and wait a sec
When you look at me like that, my darling, what did you expect?
I'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck
Or I did last time I checked
Not shy of a spark
A knife twists at the thought that I should fall short of the mark
Frightened by the bite, though it's no harsher than the bark
The middle of adventure, such a perfect place to start


[Verse 2]

But I crumble completely when you cry
It seems like once again you've had to greet me with "Goodbye"
I'm always just about to go and spoil a surprise
Take my hands off of your eyes too soon


I'm going back to 505
If it's a seven-hour flight or a forty-five minute drive
In my imagination, you're waiting lying on your side
With your hands between your thighs and a smile

The chorus suggests imagery of when this relationship was stable and how our protagonist wishes to return to this stage. '505' could be interpreted in a number of different ways: a room number, a house number or a time (5:05). The imagery of 'lying on your side with your hands between your thighs' is a somewhat sexualised thought/position however also suggests loneliness perhaps conveying the break-up.

The following power point is my product pitch for my NEA task.
NEA Plan by Edward Pick on Scribd

Thursday, 6 June 2019

NEA task Research

Chosen Brief: Music Marketing, Audio Visual (music video to promote artist)

Target Audience: 30 – 49 year olds with an interest in the chosen music genre.
-Gen X

During 1989 and 2004, when the target audience would be in there teenage years and at their most interested in music, the music charts was prominently made up of a number of genres. Rock and heavy metal had a prominence with artists such as Metallica and Guns n' Roses, this gave influence to artists later on such as the Arctic Monkeys and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Typical music videos for this genre have a heavy foxus on the performance but also include a narrative that is up for interpretation.
Furthermore Hip-Hop began to make an appearance with artists such as the N.W.A, Eminem and Snoop Dogg. Hip-hop music videos often had a very specific style of promoting material wealth, conveying an agenda and a rather crude lifestyle. However some exceptions are shown, for example, Eminem's 'Stan' has a strong narrative that fits fluently with the depressing aggressive narrative of lyrics. Furthermore 'Mockingbird' shows a nostalgic and personal side to Mather's life.

Pop artists that dominated the music video scene often had a focus on the artist themselves, their performance and the narrative of the lyrics. For example Sinead O'connor's 'Nothing Compares to you' is heart breaking ballad that is accompanied by scenery and Oconnor's simple, emotional portrait. Although simple the music video conveys her loneliness and her heartbreak.

Monday, 3 June 2019

Livingstone & Lunt

Convergence: Moving towards union, coming closer together and a meeting at a point

Technological convergence: Technological advancing, merging and intergrating

"[Technological convergence] makes it increasingly difficult for governments to implement media and communications policies based on shared national values and aimed at delivering social cultural policies" - Livingstone and Lunt

Prosumer: a producer-consumer

"What do citizens need from the media and how can this be guaranteed? Who ensures that converging communications technologies serve the public interest? Do we even know what the public needs or wants? Can a single organisation balance industry and consumer demands in regulating media and communications?" - Livingstone and Lunt

David Hesmondhalgh

Professor David Hesmondhalgh is a cultural industries theorist. Cultural industries are the industries that focus on the production of culture.

Synergy: The combined collaboration of two or more parts of a system so that the combined effect is greater than the effort of one of the parts alone.

Vertical Integration: Synergy through two or more stages of a production.
E.g: 20th Century Fox owns the studios in Hollywood but they also own the cinemas where the films are shown.

Horizontal Integration: Synergy between subsides at the same stage of productions.
E.g: Although Instagram is very similar to Facebook, Facebook owns Instagram

'Riptide' - Vance Joy

I, Daniel Blake

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Baudrillard - Postmodernism


-- A period of time in the 19th and early 20th century when industrialization caused widespread cultural and economic upheaval. This caused a deliberate philosophical and practical departure form the past in the arts and literature.


-- A deliberate philosophical and practical departure from modernism. Postmodernism developed in the course of the mid 20th century and continues in culture and society today. 
=the postmodern copy; reproduced and manipulated to the point that it no longer resembles its original.

= where reality and fiction are indistinguishable
= 'more than' real; improving upon reality

= Referencing something for comedic effect and ridicule. (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)

=Referencing something to pay homage rather than for comedic effect (Pulp Fiction, Ready Player One)

=Taking many different elements and combining them into something new (Stranger Things, Avatar, Black Panther)

=Referencing a text within a new text (Age of Ultron - Pinocchio, The Goldbergs - ET, Ready Player One - The Shining etc)

Fragmented Narrative
=A non-chronological/ typical narrative (Breaking Bad -ending shown at the beginning)

=Making the audience aware of the film making process (Deadpool, Ferris Buler)

Baudrillardcreated four steps of reproduction:

1.basic reflection of reality

2.perversion of reality

3.pretence of reality (where there is no model)

4.simulacrum, which "bears no relation to any reality whatsoever".

–Jean Baudrillard

“successive phases of the image: it is the reflection of a profound reality; it masks and denatures a profound reality; it masks the absence of a profound reality; it has no relation to any reality whatsoever-it is its own pure simulacrum” – Jean Baudrillard