Sunday, 2 June 2019

Baudrillard - Postmodernism


-- A period of time in the 19th and early 20th century when industrialization caused widespread cultural and economic upheaval. This caused a deliberate philosophical and practical departure form the past in the arts and literature.


-- A deliberate philosophical and practical departure from modernism. Postmodernism developed in the course of the mid 20th century and continues in culture and society today. 
=the postmodern copy; reproduced and manipulated to the point that it no longer resembles its original.

= where reality and fiction are indistinguishable
= 'more than' real; improving upon reality

= Referencing something for comedic effect and ridicule. (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)

=Referencing something to pay homage rather than for comedic effect (Pulp Fiction, Ready Player One)

=Taking many different elements and combining them into something new (Stranger Things, Avatar, Black Panther)

=Referencing a text within a new text (Age of Ultron - Pinocchio, The Goldbergs - ET, Ready Player One - The Shining etc)

Fragmented Narrative
=A non-chronological/ typical narrative (Breaking Bad -ending shown at the beginning)

=Making the audience aware of the film making process (Deadpool, Ferris Buler)

Baudrillardcreated four steps of reproduction:

1.basic reflection of reality

2.perversion of reality

3.pretence of reality (where there is no model)

4.simulacrum, which "bears no relation to any reality whatsoever".

–Jean Baudrillard

“successive phases of the image: it is the reflection of a profound reality; it masks and denatures a profound reality; it masks the absence of a profound reality; it has no relation to any reality whatsoever-it is its own pure simulacrum” – Jean Baudrillard

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