Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Leisbet Van Zoonen

Leisbet Van Zoonen was born on the 1st of May 1959 in the Netherlands. She has many feminist theories which are published in her books: 'Entertaining the Citizen' and 'Feminist Media Studies'. She talks about how in a patriarchal society women are objectified and men are voyers.

Patriarchy= A male dominated society.

Matriarchy= A female dominated society.

"in western society to be looked at is the fate of women, while the act of looking is reserved to men. Even if women do the looking they do not seam to do it through their own eyes[...] a core element of western patriarchal culture is the display of women as a spectacle to be looked at, subjected to gaze the gaze of the (male) audience"

Hegemony= Leadership or dominance; who is 'in charge' - "a hegemonic society"

Discourse= Discussion, debate, exchange of ideas 

"In feminist terminology media are thought to transmit sexist, patriarchal or capitalist values to contribute to the maintenance of social order"

Magazine construct many traditional representation of gender (in relation to domesticity, motherhood fashion and beauty for example) that relate specifically to the time and society in which they were produced.

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