Monday, 8 October 2018

Newspaper Analysis: America's Presidential Election 2016

This is the front of the Daily Mirror ‘red top’ newspaper when the news that Donald Trump Was elected as the next president of America. The main image is of the statue of liberty with her head in her hands, this suggests instantly that something has gone wrong in ‘her’ eyes, and seeing as she is the most famous landmark of America that shows power, freedom and of course liberty suggests that it is a big mistake. Furthermore she Is a greyish colour which contrasts to her usual green perhaps suggesting that she has been drained or she is ill.

The headline of the newspaper “IT’S PRESIDENT TRUMP…” doesn’t suggest that anyone is pleased with the election results the ellipsis suggests surprise or disappointment. The strap line "What have they done?" is perhaps linked to the statue of liberty as the expression suggests that this could be her question too.

The front of The Times newspaper has a similar tone. A third of the front cover shows Barack Obama, the well respected and successful predecessor to Trump, and Donald Trump who is the next/current president of America. The image has been chosen because Barack Obama looks unhappy with Trump winning the election, and Obama is often seen in a good light to the public.

The headline 'Meet the Apprentice' suggests that Trump could learn from Obama and is perhaps bellow him. This could also be decoded as Trump is only just beginning. At the top of the page there is a blue jump-line: 'How much will your house be worth next year?' This line is effective because it is short and personal.

Obviously the intended audience are not Trump supporters. Both newspapers have elements that suggest that they are against Trump by framing american patriots to show they are distraught. The unintended audience (Supporters of Trump) may decode these messages differently. They may not see Obama in the same light as the intended audience and therefore decode this as Obama somewhat 'losing' as Trump and Obama have had many disagreements.

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