Sunday, 27 January 2019

'Woman' Magazine

'Woman' Magazine is a British magazine that was first published in 1937, it is targeted towards 30-40 year old women. It encompasses the female beauty and fashion industry, celebrity gossip, TV, News and real life stories that the target audience might take interest in.This cover of 'Woman' is from the 23rd-29th of August 1964. The title and brand 'Woman' is in a very curly font that establishes the informal address to the audience of which also easily establishes the target and dominant audience as 'Woman' suggests a more mature audience then perhaps 'Girl'. The main image and title takes up the majority of the layout suggesting that it has great importance. The model chosen has particularly white teeth, nice hair, makeup and a dress. This presentation of women is very typical of the 1960s, women at the time were taught that they were constantly voyered by men and that they should always be seen in full makeup and nice clothes, during the end of the 1960s however the Women's liberation began to change this. The Yellow strapline at the bottom of the page covers over the woman making it more prominent and suggesting that it is of more importance. The text written on it in full capitals 'Seven Star Improvements for your kitchen' suggests that the audience posses a kitchen that they would like to improve. During this time after the WWII very few women could get jobs and so society enforced a new ethos for the lives of women. Women were taught that their purpose was to become a mother and to act as a housewife instead of getting a job, this Magazine reinforces this idea. It further shows a typical 'keeping up with the jones' ideology of having the next best household equipment and kitchen.
The use of the pull quote from Alfred Hitchcock who was a the rather famous film director of 'Psycho' and 'Vertigo'. In many of Hitchcock's films women play interesting and different heroine roles, however in Shakespeare-like fashion the women in his films are all either killed by the end or given a brutal lesson for stepping out of place in society.

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